Wow!!! Can you believer that July is almost over!!! This summer has flown by so fast…it just seems like yesterday it was the last day of school!!! We we still have a few more days left and that means a few more freebies to give away!!! Today I bring you another 6×4 quickpage to add to your “bragbook”!! Hope you all enjoy!!
If you haven’t yet, don’t Forget to Pick up the Dog Days of Summer kit It’s for sale at Gotta Pixel and A Cherry On Top!!!
Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled to the blog, our Facebook Fan Page and your Inbox for more goodies each and every day!!!
If you aren’t signed up for the Bella Gypsy newsletter, you can do so HERE! And you can check the freebie calendar ::HERE:: to let you know when and where the next freebie will be available!!!